
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

“Futility” by Wilfred Owen Essay

The poem titled â€Å"Futility† meaning uselessness or pointlessness. Owen is trying to say this war is the pointless war. The soldiers are useless that they’re dead. No matter how much the soldier work, it doesn’t worth it. The poem is written in fourteen lines and divided into two verses. The two verses are contrast each other. The first verse’s atmosphere is quite, soft, tender and peaceful and the second verse’s atmosphere sounds more desperate, frustrate, ridiculous and demanding for something to happen. In the first verse, three verbs that describe the action of the Sun, move, gently, and touch are quite soft and tender. These verbs describe that the sun move softly, gently and touch the soldier to wake him up. The sun here means the sun that shines everyday to wake the man and at the same time it may symbolize religious. The sun that used to wake him up and care for him. It’s metaphor that the sun moves the man into the light. The third line of verse one, it mentioned that the soldier was once a farmer. The word whispering is onomatopoeia meaning the sun is whispering to the man about the memories the man used to have on the farm. It’s a soft and tender plus pleading together. â€Å"Unsown† means that the field has not seeded but yet the sun is shining now to tell the man that it’s the beginning of the planting season now. In other meaning, the word unsown is metaphor that the soldier is still too young for them to join the war, as they haven’t start their adult life yet. The fourth and fifth lines, ‘Always it awoke him, even in France, until this morning and this snow.’ The sun symbolizes the warmth of life and the snow symbolizes the coldness of death. The sun always arouses him everywhere even he’s in France but this morning is different because snow has partially block the man so the man wasn’t able to wake up. The word morning has two different meaning. One is the everyday morning, which is the beginning of the day and the second meaning referring to the word mourning. Owen is mourning for the man who has die. The last two line of the last two line, Owen is pleading to god, please please if anything can rouse him now please do it and in this case only god who can do it. Only the old sun that used to be very kind can wake him up now. The sun here is personified by referring the sun as old and kind. Through the whole verse Owen create the sound by using assonance of the repetition of â€Å"ow† sound in woke, unsown, snow, rouse, now and know. Owen used an imperative verb, think, at the beginning of the second verse. It’s order the reader to think and at the same time Owen also make it sound more desperate. He is desperate to think on how the sun will wake the seeds. The seeds here give the image of growth and nature and it symbolized the beginning of life. He is desperate to ask how god wakes the soldier that is already died on the ground. The third line of the second verse mention the word â€Å"limbs†, it has two meaning. First a limb is a branch of a tree, which fit in with the nature. Second meaning means the pair of legs, arms and wings. Owen means that god create these nature and mankind. The line after this said â€Å"full-nerved, –still warm, — too hard to stir?† Owen means that he still don’t understand how the sun gives life to seeds, but not the warmness to these soldier. The fifth line â€Å"Was it for this the clay grew tall?† this refer to the war. Clay is mud and mud comes from Earth. The clay grew tall; in this case the clay symbolized man. In this line Owen was asked what was this war for? Do we do all this to kill? Is this why we put him on this Earth? So what is the point of life? The last two lines â€Å"—O what made fatuous sunbeams toil to break Earth’s sleep at all?† Owen ask this question starting with what made, he means what is the point of sending these men these men to the war and died there? It’s seems so silly that the sun create life for these him and then let them died with regret. The first verse focuses upon a dead soldier and second verse asked why the sun is shining at all. Why there is life when there is such a suffering, Owen is trying to say if the sun can wake up life on Earth but why can’t it wake up his soldier because what he thinks is that if anything could make the soldier it must be the sun.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Essay

Ethical issues and Moral issues are completely different and it has different values. Morals are more of a motivational word based on ideas and if you are right are wrong. You give yourself a certain expectation and nothing can change that. This is standards that are set by you in order to have a great career in the future. Ethics is a professional based word that is based on your performance. The techniques in a workplace are professional and represented well if you can say you have good ethic skills. Your morals can be there but if you don’t have good ethics in the working environment, you may not be with that employer long. You can have good morals but your ethical issues can be a problem with lack of dedication. It is important to have good ethical and moral issues because it shows good leadership and in order to succeed in today’s job industry and be successful you have to have both. Let’s take me for instants; I work for a multi-million dollar company and we have a mission statement this year that states â€Å"ALL IN† meaning we have to give it our all and we have to know that at the end the day, if I did not get that display or sell, at least I tried and the next day try it again. That is giving your all. My standard is set high which would include my morals to be the best. My working skills are recognizable from all management, so that means I have great work ethics. If I don’t set myself to have my morals and ethical issues intact, I will not keep a job and be successful in the future. Business Ethics is when the business has to make a conscious decision on its problems such as harassment, employee relations and discrimination to name a few. It is everyone’s hope that businesses choose to do what is right meaning ethical. Businesses become driven by profit and margins and as they grow, the hunger to achieve more money increases and the businesses starts to fall off its ethical mission statements. Managers play a major role in this process because they tend to forget what there position is in place for and they forget about the values that the company need when it comes to work relations. Personal Ethics could be defined as what a person believes to be right. This varies from person to person as these are influenced by culture, beliefs, experience, law and religion. This person may have their own expectations in the work environment and feel that there way is right and not what the business says it is. The personnel ethics of a person is influence by the business ethics because the expectations can be high are low. If a worker feels that the ethics that the business proceeds is not right, then he are she should confront the person in charge and come to an agreement of the problem. There should be balance when it comes to people in the working environment. A couple of months ago at my job, we had a problem with some of the salesmen’s personnel ethic issues. The business ethics had its own standards but it was not agreeable with the market feedback that is giving to us; meaning the sales. The salesmen would focus on the criteria one way and when we had a market tour, some of them were dealt with in ways when it could have been avoided. The issue was resolved before any further action had taken place, but if communication would have been a priority, disciplinary action would have not taken place. If we take control our personal & business ethics, we would create a better social responsibility.

Savannah Cats

A Savannah Cat is actually a hybrid between a Siamese cat and a Serval The Savannah cats name is given to the off spring of a domestic cat and several medium sized, large-eared Wild African cats. The unusual offspring became popular among breeders at the end of the 20th century, and in 2001 the I. C. A (International Cat Association) accepted it as a new registered breed. Savannahs are much more social than other breeds of cats they are often compared to dogs because of their loyalty and the fact that you can train them to walk on leashes and to do tricks.The Bengal breeder Judee Frank crossbred a male Serval belonging to Suzi Woods and a Siamese cat to produce the first Savannah cat named Savannah on April 7, 1986. Franks’ Savannah attracted the attention of Patrick Kelly who pushes one of Savannahs kittens in 1989 Kelly was the first enthusiast who worked toward establishing a new domestic breed . He approached many Serval breeders to help to develop this new breed and final ly garnered the help of breeder Joyce Sroufe to work with him in taking the steps he needed to get the breed recognized.In 1996 Patrick Kelley and Joyce Sroufe wrote the original version of the Savannah breed standard and presented it to the I. C. A in 01 the board accepted the breed as a new type of Cat. 010 brought a significant event for the breed when the first female F1 Savannah was born and bred in the UK by Rosanne Boyle of Hotspotexotics name â€Å"Amazing Grace she was registered with the I. C. A from 06 the breed has seen significant growth throughout the UK as a result the breed of being so well received. As Savannahs are produced by crossbreeding Servals and domestic cats, each generation of Savannahs is marked with a filial number.For example, the cats produced directly from a Serval/domestic Cat cross are the, and they are 50% serval. F1 generation Savannahs are very difficult to produce, due to the significant difference in gestation periods between the Serval and a domestic cat and sex chromosomes. Servals can be very picky in choosing mates, and often will not mate with a domestic cat. Females of the F1-F3 generation are usually held back for breeding, with only the males being offered as pets. The reverse occurs when you reach F5-F7 generation, but to a lesser degree, with the males being held as breeding cats, and females primarily offered as petsPhysical features Savannah Cats are one of the larger breeds of cats. The Savannahs tall and skinny appearance makes it look a great deal bigger than it actually weighs. Size varies on the gender and generation male Savannahs are usually bigger and weigh more than females. Because of random factors in Savannah hybrid genetics there can be different changes in size even in one litter. The coat of a Savannah depends a lot on what breed of domestic cars is used for the cross earlier generation have some form of dark spotting on a lighter coat early breeders used words like â€Å"Wild† to descri be it. sing spotted breeds such as the Bengal and Egyptian Mau for the cross will preserve the very few Savannahs that look like they did in earlier Generations. Some of the colors include (cool to warm brown, tan or gold with black or dark brown spots), silver spotted tabby (silver coat with black or dark grey spots), black (black with black spots), and black smoke (black tipped silver with black spots) in additions the Savannah can come in unusual color variations such as the classic or marble patterns or snow coloration and blue or other thinner colors from domestic sources.Most breeders are trying to cull these unusual colors out of the gen pool by selling unusual colored cats as pets but some Savannah Breeders are interested in working with the colors to introduce them as new traits The overall look of the Savannah Cat depends greatly on generation the older generations often have a more wild look the domestic breed that is used influences the appearance as well the domestic ou t crosses for the Savannah breed that are permissible in the ICA are Egyptian Mau the Ociat the Oriental Shorthair and the Domestic Shorthair.In addition some Savannah breeders are non permit able breeds such as the Bengal for size or the Maine Coon cats for size for the domestic parentage but these non permit able outcrosses can bring many unwanted genes as well Outcrosses are rarely used these days at there are now many fertile males available and as well most breeders are exclusively doing Savannah to Savannah breeding. A Savannahs wild look depends mostly on the generation of the cat.The body of Savannahs are long and leggy when a Savannah is standing, their hind end is often higher than they’re neck the back of their ears have a central light band bordered by the black, dark gray or brown giving an eye like effect the short tail has black rings with a solid black tip the eyes are blue as a kitten and may be green brown gold or blended shad as an adult. The eyes have a bo omerang shape with a hooded brow to protect from harsh sunlight. The Savannah cats behavior Savannahs are commonly compared to dogs in their loyalty, and they will follow their owners around the house like a canine.They can also be trained to walk on a leash, and even fetch. Some Savannahs are reported to be very social and friendly with new people and with other cats and dogs, while others may run and hide or revert to hissing and growling when seeing a stranger. Exposure to other people and pets is most likely the key factor in sociability as the Savannah kitten grows up. Owners of Savannahs say that they are very impressed with the animal intelligence of this breed of cat. An often-noted trait of the Savannah is its jumping ability. Savannahs are known to jump up on top of doors, refrigerators and high cabinets.Some Savannahs can leap about 8 feet (2. 5 m) high from a standing position. Savannahs are very inquisitive, and have been known to get into all sorts of things. They ofte n learn how to open doors and cupboards, and owners of a Savannah will likely need to take special precautions to prevent the cat from getting into things. Many Savannah cats do not fear water, and will play or even immerse themselves in water. Some owners even shower with their Savannah cats. Presenting a water bowl to a Savannah may also prove a challenge, as some will promptly begin to â€Å"bat† all the water out of the bowl until it is empty, using their front paws.Another quirk Savannahs have is to fluff out the base of their tail in a greeting gesture. This is not to be confused with the fluffing of fur along the back and full length of the tail in fear. Savannahs will also often flick or wag their tails in excitement or pleasure. Vocally, Savannahs may either chirp like their Serval fathers, meow like their domestic mothers, or do both, sometimes producing sounds which are a mixture of the two. Chirping is observed more often in earlier generations. Savannahs may also â€Å"hiss†Ã¢â‚¬â€a Serval-like hiss quite different from a domestic cat's hiss, sounding more like a very loud snake.It can be alarming to humans not acquainted to such a sound coming from a cat. Health considerations Different individuals contain different amounts of Serval and of varied domestic cat breeds, and there are currently no established Savannah breed-specific health issues. Some veterinarians have noted that Servals have smaller livers relative to their body size than domestic cats, and some Savannahs inherit this. For this reason, care is advised in prescribing some medications. Lower doses per weight of the cat may be necessary.In addition, the blood values of Savannahs may vary from the typical domestic cat, due to the serval genes. There is anecdotal evidence, though no completed scientific studies, that Savannahs and other domestic hybrids (such as Bengals) do not respond well to anesthesia containing Ketamine Many Savannah breeders request in their contra cts that Ketamine not be used for surgeries] Some (but not all) Savannah breeders believe strongly that modified live vaccines should not be used on Savannahs, that only killed virus vaccines should be used.Others are the complete opposite, having had poor reactions to killed vaccines, and no vaccine reaction (lethargy, illness, etc. ) to the modified live vaccines. This, also, has not been studied, and opinions vary widely from breeder to breeder Some breeders state that Savannah cats have no known special care or food requirements, while others recommend a very high quality diet with no grains or by-products. Some recommend a partial or complete raw feeding/raw food diet with at least 32% protein and no by-products.Some Savannah breeders recommend calcium and other supplements, especially for growing cats and earlier generations. Others consider it unnecessary, or even harmful. Most Savannah breeders agree that Savannahs have a need for more taurine than the average domestic cat, and therefore recommend taurine supplement which can be added to any food type. Laws and Regulations Laws governing ownership of Savannah cats in the United States vary according to state. The majority of states follow the code set by the United States Department of Agriculture, which defines wild or domesticated hybrid crosses as domesticated.Some states have set more restrictive laws on hybrid cat ownership, including Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Georgia. Some cities may have laws that differ from the state. For example, Savannahs more than five generations from the serval are allowed to be owned in New York state, but not in the city of New York. [9] The Australian Federal government has banned the importation into Australia of the Savannah cat, as the larger cats could potentially threaten species of the country's native wildlife not threatened by smaller domestic cats.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How Business ethical problem effect economy Essay

How Business ethical problem effect economy - Essay Example Sweatshops are mainly concentrated around regions like South Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and so on. Most employees of sweatshops are denied sufficient salaries and are, in most cases, bound to the messy quarters that are cramped with machines and other equipments. These quarters also serve as homes for these workers where they sleep and eat. Because of their poor conditions, sweatshops impinge on the fundamental liberties of labors and are a serious violation of human rights which is why they present an ethical issue. They provide convenient and cheap sources of labor for high-end clothing and apparel manufacturers, which is why they continue to exist in the present century although strict laws regarding labor exist. After Nike, Zara has also been caught in a commotion regarding sweatshops where it had to pay a fine for operating sweatshops in Brazil (Sum of Us, n.pag.). However, the fine does not seem to have inhibited the capitalistic endeavors of Zara. The sweatshop issue is not a new one and their existence can be traced back to the early 20th century when women and children were the most common forced laborers (Rosen, 1). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights developed by the United Nations clearly mentions the rights of workers to healthy working environments. Thus, in the light of the UDHR, companies must pursue a policy of good practices providing a workable environment with appropriate wage rates and stipulated working hours. With bonded labor, various sweatshop workers are forced to work in bad environments which include long working hours and no breaks in between. To top this, workers are paid very little money to live on and mostly live in the same quarter they work in. So sweatshops characterize poor working places with overworked and underpaid labors. So, the companies are able to acquire very cheap labor out of sweatshops. The main ethical concern regarding sweatshops is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Internet Censorship Laws Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internet Censorship Laws - Research Paper Example However, as this essay will prove, such reservations on the intention of internet censorship laws should not derail people from the political, social and security importance of such laws. Therefore, internet censorship laws should be applied in the necessary areas to ensure people feel safer when online. Introduction of internet censorship laws is important in the preservation of the country’s social norms. The internet has come with other social vices whose propagation should not continue unchecked. One good example of such vices is pornographic contents available on different websites. The explicit sexual content in these websites introduces children to immoral behavior, which they copy, and practice. Such content makes children feel that sex at a young age or outside marriage is okay. In such cases, censorship of such content is important as an effort to protect children from early exposure to sexually explicit content. Some of the internet sites use children as characters in their picture whether moving or static. Such internet websites have been used by pedophiles to advance their social vices. The websites provide an avenue for child molesters to get their victims and clients for their illegal business (Weinstein and MacEwan 347). It is not clear whether the presence of the internet has increased child pornography or has only acted as an avenue for its transmission. However, Weinstein and MacEwan (347) assert that the internet has clearly increased the accessibility, volume, and range of sexually abusive images, which also includes child pornography. Censorship becomes the best options in curbing the spread of such vices therefore; there should not be opposition from anyone who stands for moral responsibility. The importance of internet censorship laws does not end with stopping the propagation of pornographic content. The censorship will also help in covering areas where hate speech propagation targeting some groups of people in society through th e internet has been reported. The internet has provided many people with an avenue for making anonymous statements and valuable space for virtual communities. However, not every internet user engages in constructive dialogues, given that there are those who promote racist diatribes and other discriminatory views (Bidgol 351). Therefore, internet censorship laws help society get rid of those whose aim is to create social disharmony. There have been cases of violence against some groups in society that have originated from the internet. A good example of such internet websites is Stormfront formed by white supremacists and provides an avenue for white nationalists and other racial extremists to make their views public. Such websites play a key role in the condoning and incitements of acts of discrimination and violence against a section of the population (Weinstein and MacEwan 355).  Ã‚  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Persuasion and Argumentation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Persuasion and Argumentation - Research Paper Example sitized children through operant and classical conditioning, while also presenting role models of violence; nevertheless, some of Grossman’s claims have to be checked for their accuracy and generalization effects. Grossman effectively uses ethos to establish his credentials as someone who knows what he is saying when it comes to training people to kill. He describes his profession and experiences with the army to underline that he has valid empirical and anecdotal knowledge, which can back up his claims. He says that he has travelled the world to train medical, law enforcement, and military personnel sharing knowledge about warfare conditions. He also claims to be an expert in â€Å"killology† because he is a psychologist and a former U.S. Army Scout Ranger. Killology is a new branch of science that concerns the study of how and why people kill each other during war, as well as the causes of violence. His credentials and experiences are important to ethos because he effectively establishes his background and proficiency on this matter. He stresses that he possess an insider experience and he can see valid parallels between training soldiers to kill and how the media trains children to kill as well. His beliefs support numerous studies, such as those from Daly and Perez in 2009 and Huston-Stein et al. in 1981, where exposing pre-school children to media violence increased aggressive behaviors and decreased pro-social behaviors. These studies are similar to the studies and experiences that Grossman mentions, which strengthens his credibility as a valid critic of the effects of violence in media on children. Grossman uses simple emotional images to evoke revulsion for media violence. In a study which explains the connection between TV violence and actual violence, he stresses that it takes fifteen years to condition people to kill. He says that the â€Å"prime crime age† is 15 years because â€Å"that is how long it takes for you to reap what you have sown when you

Friday, July 26, 2019

Student Success Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Student Success Plan - Essay Example The major purpose of the review is to provide helpful information on the value of the various approaches to parents and teachers so they would be better able to determine which was best for their child/student. In order to affectively ensure that educational pursuits are being taught effectively for the benefit of this young girl, we must provide a plan of action that will enhance her abilities in art and reading yet transfer those abilities toward subjects including mathematics, language, science, social science and music. There have been many studies on the subject of teaching autistic students. Autism is a very complicated disability that affects a child's cognition, perception, speech and motor abilities and so very much more. Seeking other methods for autistic children to express their intelligence has been the goal for many educators. For some with certain disabilities this requires a certain level of motivation. Possessing the ability to structured teaching is the ultimate goal of teaching this autistic girl, especially at the young age of six years. Classrooms must be structured in a specific manner for teachers to effectively teach their autistic students. ... round this young girl's strengths of reading and art would in fact be to the benefit of her educational pursuit, incorporating artistic measures into mathematics, the creation of maps for social sciences, and the use of diagrams which are designed and drawn in artistic formula. Five steps to creating the most effective learning environment and plan for a six year old with autism would require the following: A classroom which is designed to have access to the tools for drawing, painting and other design capacity would in fact be of benefit. Physical organization of the classroom environment is effective in allowing for focused attention on lessons as they are managed. Ensuring the situation in which this student will be fully functional in placement of desks, doors, and bathroom facilities will assure a balanced environment for more enhanced learning experiences. The use of color in the various teaching formats will maintain attention span and allow for focus upon the objectives of the daily lesson. Color, if used effectively, can allow associative capacity, one color for a certain activity, or a certain location in the classroom, such as the bookshelf. The use of scheduling gives a structure to classroom learning utilizing sequential memory and organization of time. Utilizing two levels of scheduling simultaneously will allow for focused individual education along with group activities. Events outlined for the entire classroom that also focus on the time to spend in individual educational pursuits. Utilizing simplified language will facilitate a greater capacity for understanding instruction and communication for both the student and the teacher and the ability to allow autistic students time alone if they need it. Simplified language and the use of pictures to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

MGT 407 Module 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGT 407 Module 5 - Essay Example Finance and security are other possible departments that may participate in the program along with HR. Risk assessment, standards and procedures, defined roles, designated official, communication, internal reporting and program assessment are the areas that should be according to the article covered by any such corporate ethics program. Ethics particularly in the context of Human Resources generally refer to the principles or laws distinguishing between right or wrong conducts. The recent decades in the USA there has been almost a mushrooming of ethical crises. It is more likely true that in the present era of communication coverups are harder to effectively carry out and hence such instances are being revealed although they have been around for ages. Misrepresentation, Covering up details of anomalies, cheating in essence have been discovered to have proliferated all the layers of corporate America. And surprisingly in many cases these are understood to be almost necessary practices for growth. Blossoming profit making practices by managers via utilization of insider information on shareholder details and stock have emerged as common place. In the face of such falling standards, the role of the HR professional has assumed an unprecedented importance. It is the responsibility of the HR department to create proper e thical codes of conduct, introduce ethical training through different programs as well as employing officers who specialize in ethics. Unethical actions on the part of any employee(s) affects all related customers, employees, shareholders and managers alike. An Employee has to make a many choices each day which if unethical can greatly harm the companys reputation, productivity as well as profits. Such actions can be of various forms and shapes. Utilization of company resources for personal gains (using company phone lines to make personal calls), failing to report

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Berkshire Hathaway Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Berkshire Hathaway Inc - Essay Example Buffett claims that the prices of gas have to increase in order for the company to have the ability to pay its debts. He does not end the interview without mentioning that he made a big mistake by purchasing BNSF because the energy future was facing bankruptcy simply because of their unpaid loans that were maturing. However, Buffett always has plans to reduce prices of gas in the future, such as seen when he agrees to a purchase price, which is the first solar plant, which will be offering the cheapest electricity in the U.S. Therefore, NV energy agrees to give just $0.0387/KWh for solar electricity that is from the 100 MW play a solar 2 projects which are being in U.S by the thin film company first solar. In addition to that, the NV energy power price is now entitled to be as low as possible.Buffett usually emphasizes on investing in companies, which will be more profitable for several decades, this is seen through the Suncor Company, which is profitable in all environments as when oil profits are lower, the initial downstream profits of the company tend to help in compensating their upstream losses. Rail freight and truck freight is almost the same, but the only difference depends on the commodity being transported, maximum speeds, loading and also stopping patterns like braking (Lei, n.d.). However, in most cases, rail freight is normally more energy efficient than the truck because of the low rolling resistance of the steel wheel that moves on a steel rail.

Immigration in Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Immigration in Britain - Essay Example The emergence of nation-states made immigration a political issue: by definition it is the homeland of a nation defined by shared ethnicity and/or culture." (Wikipedia: Immigration). According to the source data presented in the graphics above there is currently a total of 191 million immigrants worldwide. The statistics also unveil that the last 50 years has seen an almost doubling of immigration entailing the movements of 115 million immigrants into developed countries. Official statistics indicate that more than two million foreign nationals have moved to Britain in recent years and nine in 10 of them came from outside Europe. According to the sources, a net 2.3 million immigrants arrived between 1991 and 2006, the majority from Africa and Asia. The other important dimension presented on the facts is that hundreds of thousands of short-term immigrants are not included in official statistics whilst the sources indicate that the counting system is grossly unreliable that it is not feasibly possible to know the true immigrants population of Britain. Through the surge of globalization, various factors trigger the movement of people from their native countries to other countries. The factors can be categorized into social, economic and political. The nineteenth century has particularly experienced phenomenal proportions of immigrations triggered largely by civil and economic strife and unrest in various countries especially in the third world or developing countries categories. Researches that have conducted to assess the impact immigration on the economic aspects of matters have unveiled certain notables in the nature and patterns of immigration in UK for the past 50 years. The movement of foreign nationals into the UK has resulted in the significant increase of the labour supply. This has been so notably in low job realms which are naturally not preferred by British natives. Immigration in the UK has also impacted significantly on Aggregate Demand in cases where there have been more people spending and therefore increasing demand for labour. This has also brought significant dynamics in the wages systems. Immigration into The UK has led to the spiraling for unemployment especially for the foreign nationals owing to largely to various reasons chief of which include the lack of critical skills and proficiency in the English language. This has often led to a diminishing range of available job opportunities resultantly culminating in structural unemployment. This setback has also been aggravated by the realities of racial discrimination in some instances. On positive dimensions immigration in the UK economy which has been dogged by a shortage of certain key public sector workers, especially in London, has helped alleviate labour gaps. This has been in the shape of immigrants getting trained to be nurses, doctors or teachers they can help fill labour market shortages. Also owing to the fact that immigrant is largely of working age, immigrants in the UK have helped overcome the demographic problems inherent in ageing population. As such this has lowered income tax levels whilst the other

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The culture of caution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The culture of caution - Essay Example What does Patterson mean by the culture of caution Use his analysis of the life of Marcus Garvey and the immigrants' experience to illustrate how that theory plays out. How does he link the life of Garvey, Powell and Farrakhan and immigrants to that culture of caution This insecurity has also brought about a theory that Caribbeans, especially the Anglophone Caribbeans perform much better abroad than they do on their homeland. For example, Marcus Garvey of Jamaica was able to galvanize Black Americas into action, to defend their human rights, decades ago George Padmore of Trinidad was also able to champion postwar African independence movement, has brought about a high degree of paternity for the nation of Ghana, as the first nation to be independent in Black Africa. Arthur Lewis of Saint Lucia was unable to gain employment or opportunities that fit his talents at home, so he migrated to England and then the United states, where he had an outstanding public service career and was also a distinguished academician which led to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for his amazing work on Third World economics.The functions of the immigrant organizations in North America include the implementation of the various immigration laws, issuance of travel documents, carrying out Checks for Case Processing Fees, and the checking of immigrants into the US to ensure ensure that they qualify under the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act.The immigrant organizations also make sure that criminal aliens and immigrants involved in crime, who have been incarcerated within the federal, state or local prison facilities are not just let into the community again, after they might have completed their sentences. Immigrant organizations avail field level law enforcement officers of the training programs required of them, like programs for correctional personnel, and providing certified instructors to conduct such trainings. Immigrant authorities use the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS) to determine when a high-risk alien overstays his visa or fails to report his address and activities after 30 days in the United States. It is vital for state and local police officers have access to information, and are able to act upon such information when they meet an NSEERS violator, for example, in a traffic stop. Also, if a criminal alien is purposely avoiding contact with law enforcement agencies, this might be the only possible way to stop him, and maybe defuse a possible terrorist attack. Other functions of immigration authorities include the Arrest of Suspected Terrorists, Observations of Potential Terrorist Activity, Interception of immigrant or Alien Smuggling and Arrest of Absconders The immigrant organizations in the United States also serve to ensure that immigrants into the United States qualify under the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The second half of the 19th century was characterized by an increase in westward expansion, and industrialization. Also, there was an influx of millions of immigrants. A lot of native-born Americans began to clamor for implementation if immigration restrictions, but others supported the Americanization of these

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Funerals of Sclyd and Beowulf Essay Example for Free

The Funerals of Sclyd and Beowulf Essay The opening of the Beowulf is the funeral of Sclyd, his clan is preparing him for his funeral and sending his body to God, As they prepare him for his voyage, I use this as an important word because as we continue to read of the grief of his clan we find out that they instead of a funeral pyre as was common in some cultures of the time that his clan filled the ship with the bounty from as it said far and wide. Setting him out to sea upon a ship or barge as it is also referred to in this passage. It is interesting that this is the way the clan set their beloved Lord to his final rest because the Historic funeral show that the Scandinavians practice of setting them out to sea with one twist, they generally set the barge or ship carrying the deceased on fire in the passage where they send Sclyd off to his final rest they do not set him on fire but fill the ship with many riches. There were a couple of reasons for burning the body at that time, one was to keep the spirit of the deceased from coming back to harm the living, it was also for the purpose of â€Å"Freeing the Spirit† so that it could enter the afterlife with the Gods. One interesting point in the passage of Scyld’s death is the part where they fill the ship with the riches of far and wide. This was not a normal Scandinavian practice in this practice originated with the ancient Egyptian practices of burying the possessions of the Pharaohs with them in their crypts. It is a curious cross of cultures. They loaded the ship with weapons, shields and upon his chest his breast plate and helmet were laid. In the death of Beowulf we see a far different funeral scene. The difference between the two is telling, while Scyld’s body is cast to the sea on a ship carrying with him his riches. Beowulf, however, was buried in a different manor all together he was placed upon a funeral pyre, following the proper burial of the times. There were no riches to surround him although before his death he did request to see the treasures guarded by the dragon that he fought and lost his life too. There is an interesting contrast between the two of these men while Sclyd was considered a lord and given a burial that his clan felt was befitting his status, Beowulf was a prince of his people and yet his burial was in the traditions of the Nordic clans of the time, they believed that setting the soul free was the best way to honor their fallen hero. In the funeral there is the sorrow of his queen, as she sings her pain for all to hear. As they mourned him they set him on fire and the blaze burned all that was upon his pyre. What was most interesting is what they did after they built as he requested a mound that over looked the sea so that sailors would see it as they sailed by, they then built a wall where they put his ashes behind the wall and placed the treasures from his last battle with him. Then the warriors the same who had failed to aide him when he needed them rode in a circle and told of their grief and sorrow. They left the great warrior among the kings that he had gone to join. The contrast between the two cultures is evident in the passages as you read seeing how the people dealt with the death of each man, while Beowulf’s men grieved him they carried out his final wishes and built the great mound that he asked them to do. While Sclyd was laid to rest an old man with his many riches there was no great out cry of mourning it was simply they mourned their honored lord. References Historic Funeral Practices-Roger D. Sellers- http://www. sellersfuneralhome. com Beowulf- By Dr. David Breeden-http://www. lnstar. com/literature/beowulf/index. html http://links. jstor. org/sici? sici=0015-587X(195012)61%3A4%3C169%3ATHOTDA%3E2. 0. CO%3B2-I

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Teaching Diverse Learners In Any School Environment Education Essay

Teaching Diverse Learners In Any School Environment Education Essay In this course, youll review relevant research, observe video discussions and classroom examples, and do activities on working with learners who are at different levels and who have different learning abilities and approaches. At the end of this course, you will better understand how to identify the various aspects of diversity that affect foreign language learning; and be able to develop strategies for improving the learning of all students in your classroom. You will partake in activities will focus on how to be a leader in your school for diversity, how to assess diversity in your classroom, how to think critically about new ways to teach your curriculum, and how to engage diversity among students. Teachers today gain a broad range of experiences and perspectives through working in public schools today and meet students that differ from them culturally, linguistically, and ethnically. Creating a classroom that caters to these diverse students offers a powerful resource for them to learn more in different ways, in new environments, and with different types of people. Every single teacher in our continuously changing and diverse system has the power to serve as an invaluable resource for all students and peers. Teachers will learn how to become an enabler in the classroom and in their school catering their classroom for all types of students especially because of the growing diversity in U.S. classrooms. The student will be able to: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Use assessment tools to utilize in your class à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gain classroom tips and activities through à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Learn best practices à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Create an action plan to increase diversity understanding in your school both in and out of the classroom à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Network with other educators who are concerned with diversity Define and understand disability in the United States Deal with conflict Set up a classroom that caters to diversity Incorporate all types of students Incorporate University Design for Learning Online Learning with Full Instructor Facilitation Our institution maintains an online platform that automatically grades student pre- and post-assessments, monitors their participation in the lecture, and awards them credit when they post in the discussion area. Instructors will monitor the progress and quality of work the students provide, including the threaded discussions, and will provide feedback and evaluate the midterm and final projects. Weekly Online Lecture Assignments: Week 1 Text Reading: Read BUILDING CREATIVITY AND COLLABORATION IN DIVERSE CLASSROOMS Critical Issue: Educating Teachers for Diversity Insensitivity to Physical, Racial, or Ethnic Differences Answer Questions (Open Ended) Describe the cultural, linguistic, and/or ethnic diversity in your classroom. How do you draw on this diversity to promote learning? What learning styles seem to predominate among your students (for example, auditory, visual)? How do you accommodate those learning styles? Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Bank Street College of Education Empowers New Teachers (This old college is teaching aspiring educators new tricks, with a focus on experiential learning, classroom immersion, and mentoring) Clip 2: 10 Big Ideas for Better Classrooms: Striving to Improve Public Education (Using Student examples: Successful examples of key elements in improving public education: Project-Based Learning, Technology Integration, Integrated Studies, Cooperative Learning, Comprehensive Assessment, Emotional Intelligence, Teacher Preparation, Parent Involvement, Community Partners, and Maximize Resources) Clip 3: CREDE Principles Applied to the Re-Invention of Teacher Preparation(Marty Alberg University of Memphis This presentation provides an overview of the application of CREDE principles at three levels: 1.) The University of Memphis teacher preparation classroom; 2.) Middle school classrooms in Memphis, TN through the Three Rs Program; and 3.) The state of Tennessee through the Problem Based Learning component of the Tennessee Board of Regents Teaching Quality Initiative. As do CREDE?based strategies, problem?based approaches to teacher preparation engage pre?service teachers in learning opportunities that challenge their cognitive and problem solving skills; promote learning through cooperation and teamwork; connect teaching with real?world student experiences, skills, and educational needs; and facilitate learning through meaningful, productive activity. Participants will experience problem? based pedagogy through sample cases developed for teacher preparation in Tennessee.) Assignment: Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 2 Text Reading: Read Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Building on Americas Strengths Preparing teachers for children in poverty: the Nashville district picks up the mantle for qualified instruction in high-needs schools School Leadership and Student Motivation. Answer Questions (Open Ended) If you are familiar with the concepts of the multiple intelligences theory, what steps have you taken to incorporate them in your teaching? In multilevel classes or ones in which proficiency levels are quite varied, how have you differentiated instruction for the range of performance levels? Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Teacher and Student Education In Diversity, part 1 Clip 2: Teacher and Student Education In Diversity, part 2 Clip 3: UDL Guidelines in Practice: Grade 5 Language Arts (A panel of UDL experts takes you inside a diverse urban school to show master teachers applying the principles and guidelines of UDL.) Clip 4: Best Practices through Universal Design for Learning Clip 5: An Introduction to Integrated Studies (Combining academic subjects produces deeper learning and a better understanding of the interrelationships between them) Assignment: Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 3 Text Reading: Read DIVERSITY AND COMPLEXITY IN THE CLASSROOM Disaggregated Outcomes of Gender, Ethnicity, and Poverty on Fifth Grade Science Performance Educating Students from Generational Poverty: Building Blocks from A to Z Framework for Understanding Poverty Answer Questions (Open Ended) Have you taught special needs students in your classroom? If so, how did you respond to the instructional challenges that they posed? In your experience, how can learning disabilities or learning differences affect learning in a foreign language classroom? What school resources have you found to be helpful when you are faced with making an accommodation that you have not had to make before Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Working With Students From the Culture of Poverty (In their Classroom Instruction That Works research, McREL and Robert Marzano identified nine strategies that can be applied in any learning environment and result in significantly increased student learning. When implemented consistently and correctly, these research-based strategies can provide average percentile point gains as high as 45% on student achievement tests.) Clip 2: Working With Students From the Culture of Poverty 2 (Although most educators are familiar with the Classroom Instruction That Works research, teachers still need help transferring the theory into practice.) Clip 3: Children in Americas Schools clip1 open (Poverty in the classroom) Clip 4: Children In Americas Schools clip2 Poverty (Poverty in the classroom) Clip 5: Children in Americas Schools Clip 3(Poverty in the classroom) Assignment: Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Midterm Project Due Week 4 Text Reading: Read Diversity is a Key To Reducing Racial Bias in Schools Diversity Reduces Racial Bias in Schools Strengthening Teacher-student relationships Watch Video Clips Clip 1: High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools Clip 2: Challenging Poverty (Some schools have over 75% of their students living in poverty. Many students are homeless. They may find alternative housing or simply couch hop with friends or relatives) Clip 3: Challenging Teachers (Teachers and students talk about challenges in the classroom.) Clip 4: Challenging Coursework (Students need challenging coursework to prepare them for higher education. High Schools and nonprofits have programs that help lower income students prepare for college.) Clip 5: Challenging System (Minnesota used to be one of the top states in education. That is not true today. And the expectations of what education needs to provide for students futures are more challenging than ever.) Clip 6: Challenging Peers (Peers can help each other succeed or fail. Education is seen by some to be not cool. Some black students feel doing well in school is white so they dont fully participate. Sometimes students can change to a different school or find their own way to succeed.) Assignment: Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 5 Text Reading: Read When teachers build relationships with students Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Learning on Purpose: Transforming a Good School into a Great School (Wall-to-wall career academies and a transition program for ninth graders have helped create an environment at this Texas high school in which rigorous, relevant education inside and outside of the classroom is the norm for all students.) Clip 2: Teaching Students to Work Together (Integrated curricula, team teaching, and technology tools have built up the academic achievement and self-esteem of these rural Louisiana middle school students.) Clip 3: The Key Learning Community: Cultivating Multiple Intelligences (Swimming against the tide, this K-12 Indianapolis school emphasizes exploration and deep understanding over rote memorization) Clip 4: Principal Derek Pierce on Building Relationships Between Students and Teachers (How a Portland, Maine high school made human relationships the building blocks of high student achievement.) Clip 5: Mr. D TV 1-14-10 Building Relationships With Students Mid-Year (Topic: Reaching out to students you havent built a relationship with. Mr. D TV is a weekly teacher advice vlog from the author of I Want to Teach Forever (teachforever.com). ) Assignment: Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Week 6 Text Reading: Read Diversity in America Equal is not Enough Current Issues in Inclusive Education in the Eyes of Children Watch Video Clips Clip 1: Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences (Edutopia revisits its 1997 interview with the Harvard University professor about multiple intelligences and new forms of assessment.) Clip 2: The Key Learning Community: Cultivating Multiple Intelligences (Swimming against the tide, this K-12 Indianapolis school emphasizes exploration and deep understanding over rote memorization. ) Clip 3: Multiple Intelligences Leave No Child Behind (Edutopia revisits Indianapoliss Key Learning Community to see how things have changed since our first look in 2001) Clip 4: Diversity in Teach For America (Listen as corps members reflect on the importance of bringing diverse perspectives and backgrounds into the classroom.) Clip 5: Teach For America Alums Reflect Assignment: Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Final Project Due Discussion Board: Students must submit one unique comment each week in regards to each of the assigned text reading and reply to a fellow students comments at least twice each week. The comments should relate to the material the text reading discusses. Each comment should be at least three sentences in length. The week ends Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time If a student works ahead during the six week course they should still post every week for the automatic scoring software to count the postings. Students are reminded to check the announcement section of the discussion board frequently for items of interest from the faculty. Students are also reminded to use the email, not the discussion board, to ask questions or make comments directed to their facilitator. Methods of instruction: Percentage of Course Credit Video Lectures 20% Textbook/Articles Readings 10% Midterm project 25% Final project 30% Discussion Board interaction (weekly submissions) 10% Participation 5% Grading criteria/system and evaluation activities: A faculty member will be reviewing students answers and providing feedback. Students will be evaluated on their creativity and ability to incorporate techniques from the lecture into the discussion board, research papers, examples, lesson plans and teacher work samples. University Grading Criteria Grade Equivalent 97-100% A+ 93-96% A 90-92% A- 87-89% B+ 83-86% B 80-82% B- 77-79% C+ 73-76% C 70-72% C- 69% or below U Attendance/Participation It is expected that students will attend all instructional sessions, complete all required activities, and field assignments. Students who do not post in the discussion area during the first week of class AND do not notify the instructor in advance will be dropped from the course and may be charged a course drop fee. University Computer Lab/Library Services Please refer to Section VI in the Student Handbook. Disability Services Please refer to Section VII in the Student Handbook. Due dates of major assignments and projects: Midterm Project Due Date: TBA Final Project Due Date: TBA Midterm Project Design for Instruction TWS Standard 4 The teacher designs instruction for specific learning goals, student characteristics and needs, and learning contexts. Task Describe how you will design your unit instruction related to unit goals, students characteristics and needs, and the specific learning context. Prompt Results of pre-assessment. After administering the pre-assessment, analyze student performance relative to the learning goals. Depict the results of the pre-assessment in a format that allows you to find patterns of student performance relative to each learning goal. You may use a table, graph, or chart. Describe the pattern you find that will guide your instruction or modification of the learning goals. Unit overview. Provide an overview of your unit. Use a visual organizer such as a block plan or outline to make your unit plan clear. Include the topic or activity you are planning for each day/period. Also indicate the goal or goals (coded from your Learning Goals section) that you are addressing in each activity. Make sure that every goal is addressed by at least one activity and that every activity relates to at least one goal. Activities. Describe at least three unit activities that reflect a variety of instructional strategies/techniques and explain why you are planning those specific activities. In your explanation for each activity, include: how the content relates to your instructional goal(s), how the activity stems from your pre-assessment information and contextual factors, what materials/technology you will need to implement the activity, and how you plan to assess student learning during and/or following the activity (i.e., formative assessment). Technology. Describe how you will use technology in your planning and/or instruction. If you do not plan to use any form of technology, provide your clear rationale for its omission. Suggested Page Length: 3 + visual organizer Design for Instruction Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher designs instruction for specific learning goals, student characteristics and needs, and learning contexts. Rating  ® Indicator  ¯ 1 Indicator Not Met 2 Indicator Partially Met 3 Indicator Met Score Alignment with Learning Goals Few lessons are explicitly linked to learning goals. Few learning activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning goals. Not all learning goals are covered in the design. Most lessons are explicitly linked to learning goals. Most learning activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning goals. Most learning goals are covered in the design. All lessons are explicitly linked to learning goals. All learning activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning goals. All learning goals are covered in the design. Accurate Representation of Content Teachers use of content appears to contain numerous inaccuracies. Content seems to be viewed more as isolated skills and facts rather than as part of a larger conceptual structure. Teachers use of content appears to be mostly accurate. Shows some awareness of the big ideas or structure of the discipline. Teachers use of content appears to be accurate. Focus of the content is congruent with the big ideas or structure of the discipline. Lesson and Unit Structure The lessons within the unit are not logically organized organization (e.g., sequenced). The lessons within the unit have some logical organization and appear to be somewhat useful in moving students toward achieving the learning goals. All lessons within the unit are logically organized and appear to be useful in moving students toward achieving the learning goals. Use of a Variety of Instruction, Activities, Assignments and Resources Little variety of instruction, activities, assignments, and resources. Heavy reliance on textbook or single resource (e.g., work sheets). Some variety in instruction, activities, assignments, or resources but with limited contribution to learning. Significant variety across instruction, activities, assignments, and/or resources. This variety makes a clear contribution to learning. Use of Contextual Information and Data to Select Appropriate and Relevant Activities, Assignments and Resources Instruction has not been designed with reference to contextual factors and pre-assessment data. Activities and assignments do not appear productive and appropriate for each student. Some instruction has been designed with reference to contextual factors and pre-assessment data. Some activities and assignments appear productive and appropriate for each student. Most instruction has been designed with reference to contextual factors and pre-assessment data. Most activities and assignments appear productive and appropriate for each student. Use of Technology Technology is inappropriately used OR teacher does not use technology, and no (or inappropriate) rationale is provided. Teacher uses technology but it does not make a significant contribution to teaching and learning OR teacher provides limited rationale for not using technology. Teacher integrates appropriate technology that makes a significant contribution to teaching and learning OR provides a strong rationale for not using technology. Final Project Lesson Planning Activity The project will consist of constructing, implementing, and evaluating a lesson plan that incorporates diversity in the classroom. The student should include strategies and techniques emphasized in the course. The assignment should contain the following information: A description of the classroom environment (e.g. grade level, student/teacher ratio, race if known, ELL, etc.) The proposed lesson plan, incorporating strategies and techniques emphasized in the KDS video presentations. The desired or expected outcome of following the new lesson plan. An evaluation of the lesson plan and its effect on student learning, attitude, etc. Did the results match your expected outcome? Why or why not? How do you know? The assignment should be a total of 5-7 pages in length and include 3-5 references. Use APA format: Use the standard Cover Page and submit to your course facilitator. All assignments are done in 12 pt. Times New Roman font and in APA, 5th Edition format. Add a Reference page that lists items of the authors works cited in your document. Use APA format for the items. Scoring Rubric for Assignment Total Value: 100 Points (25% of final course grade) Content of Paper -Value: 70 points Copy of your lesson plan, your reflections. Quality of Writing Value: 20 points Written work shows superior graduate quality in verbal expression, attention to detail, and correct application of the conventions of the English language. In students written work, paragraphing is appropriate with clear thesis statements and supporting details. Sentences are clear and concise. Students vary sentence structure making use of subordinate clauses. Transitional words and phrases are used effectively. Points and ideas are well organized. Word choice is effective. English language conventions are applied correctly (i.e. spelling, capitalization, punctuation, agreement, pronoun usage, sentence structure).   Format Value: 10 points Cover Page, Reference Page and where applicable, citations and references are used correctly and consistently, with clear efforts made to include a wide range of relevant works. For any work requiring citations, students refer to a wide range of suitable sources. All non original ideas are cited correctly and referenced in a reference list. All works in the reference list are cited in the text. Students  should follow the writing format and style as required by the APA Publication Manual, 5th Edition.

Literature Review Of Companies And Supermarkets

Literature Review Of Companies And Supermarkets As companies/supermarkets have race to introduced technology that enables the customers to get service on their own (Bitner, M. Amy, L. Ostrom and Matthew, L. 2002). Growing number of customers interacted with the technology to create service outcomes instead with a service firm employee (Matthew, L. Amy, L. Ostrom, Robert, I. And Bitner, M. July 2000). The overall affect model is based on the consumers feelings toward the use of technology (Pratibha A. and Dabholkar 1996). The Supermarkets which introduce self-service checkout systems wish to gain rapid acceptance and usage of these technologies by potential consumers. (Jungki, L. and Allaway, A. 2002) According to Merriam-Websters Dictionary (2008), Innovation is a new idea, method or device, or the introduction of something new.Drejer (2002) argues that innovation is more than just invention, that idea cannot be innovative as a pure, it must be put in practice and be commercialized; otherwise it is too earlier to speak of innovation. Blackmon (1996) provide us with the best summary for a context of this research: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ technological change is used to describe changes in knowledge that increase the volume of output or allow a qualitatively superior output from a given amount of resources à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and thus in driving organizational evolution à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The sales profit is a simple conceptual framework chain to linking with the employee satisfaction as well as customer satisfaction and financial performance. This sales profit chain is the relationships between employee and customer satisfaction (Gary, W. and Loveman, 1998). The benefit of the customer retention and satisfaction has been characterized by using the repurchase intention or a factor score of quite a few measures repurchase goal, and price tolerance. So that the purpose to use the customers management strategy that is the based on managing both satisfaction and benefit of customer retention (Narayandas, D. 1998). Performance expectation and the actual performance have major significance in the Evaluation process, as we need to determine the dimension of product and service performance. Most customers do not switch from satisfied seller to their competitors, but, there are several factors that could affect customer behaviour to switch to different service provider such as mistake in core service failure, service encounter failures, variable prices, inconvenience, responsive to service failures, attraction by competitors, ethical behaviours and involuntary switching etc. (Hawkins, Best and Coney, 2004). Retailers need to analyze what makes a new product from the point of view by the customer if customers facing problems understanding the reason behind the introduction of new self-service checkout systems (SSC) they will not use the system. As we launch new self-service systems, we need to analyse the consumer behaviour as well. The consumer should be involved in some way or another at most stages in the introduction of self-service checkout system. Every retail or sales companies should take care of customer wants and needs (Wright, R. 2006). Consumers feel a sense of pleasure in understanding that they have found a unique store that they can, and do, frequent. This suggestion is suggested on the notion of value as a function of both worth (Oliver, 1999) and scarcity. People feel good when they find something of worth that is not easily available the feel good feeling from the ordinary and the mundane, is different from satisfaction in that it consists qualitative effects such as enjoyment and happiness. In contract, satisfaction is an evaluative judgment (Oliver, 1997) and more cognitive in nature (Howard and Sheth, 1969). Satisfaction can be defined as a cognitive evaluation resulting from the fulfilment expectations. Satisfaction is a judgment based on either a cognitive or emotional appraisal, made by the customer whether his or her expectations were met (Oliver, 1997). Positive affect is a pleasurable emotional response (Bogozzi, Gopinath, and Nyer, 1999). If organizations want to consider total customer experience, satisfaction by itself is a weak measurement (Barlow and Maul, 2000) As a result, when a consumer experiences more differentiation value in the store, consumer will be more likely to feel more positive responses toward the store (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982) The literature in retailing and customer behaviour has identified commitment as ones motivation to keep a relationship with the retailer (Bendapudi and Berry, 1997 and Fournier, 1998).The self-service checkout system (SSC) into the service come across necessitates research to improved understand customers attitudes toward overhaul providers and technologies, and their intentions to employ technology-based facility delivery systems. In this research, the authors build up and experiment three structural models that include a pecking instruct of consumer attitudes toward together the psychological and the technological factors of the come across to better appreciate their intentions to utilize Self Service Technologies. The result indicates that intentions to exercise self-service technologies options are ambitious by manifold, hierarchical attitudes. In calculation to the direct belongings of attitudes toward exact self-service technologies and individual employees, the findings corrob orate that higher direct worldwide attitudes toward service technologies pressure intentions to use self-service technologies. fascinatingly, the findings indicate that heavy self-service technologies users rely more on attitudes toward specific self-service technologies than do light self-service technologies users, who rely more heavily on universal attitudes toward self-service technologies when formative intention to utilize an self-service technologies. (James, M. Matthew, L. Meuter and Carol, F. 2003) Kano Model Analysis: The customer satisfaction model from professor Kano is a marketing and quality management approach that can be used for assessing and establishing customer satisfaction and happiness. Kano model has six categories of customer quality characteristics, but, only the first three specially relate to customer satisfaction. (Kano, 2007) These factors are: Basic factors Excitement factors Performance factors Basic factors The prerequisite factors that will cause dissatisfaction if they are not met, but, do not establish customer satisfaction. If they are fulfilled or cross expectations customer regard this as essential and basic factors contribute to market entrance threshold Excitement factors These requirements if they are met can increase customer level satisfaction, but, if they do not meet the requirements, do not cause customer dissatisfaction. These factors come to customers as surprise and create satisfaction. A company can come out from crowd from competitors in a positive way using these factors. Performance factors These factors are concerned with the performance level. So, we can conclude that customer satisfaction is directly related to the performance level, if the performance level is high, then, customer satisfaction will be met, but, if the performance level is low, cause dissatisfaction. These factors are directly related to customer desires, wants and needs etc. So, company should try to be competitive in a market. (Adapted from Prof. Kano, 1994) Customer point of view in relation to Self Service Checkout System (SSC) Researcher forecasting about the adaptation of the self service checkout system have been gone against the past recommendation, instead, customers are using this technology more and embrace this technology with open arms. Reasons for Supermarket to adopt this technology: Customers do prefer to use their bank cards in privacy and anonymity. Queue awaiting time reduction; Need for self-service; Quick payment; Shoppers feel empowered; Retail market is shifting towards radio frequency identification which will replace the bar code. However this might be a foundation for increasing working hours, as supermarkets not depending on a cashier. Due it is not many research have been done in the UK the USA practise might be relevant for this research and will be in future referred as a compare base. Theoretical Framework Porters competitive advantage theory is a classical and one of the foundational in business literature, however lately it was criticized by some authors (Day and Wensley, 1988 and Hunt and Morgan, 1995). Therefore some complementary concepts have been suggested. In order to reinforce research the Porters value-chain theory was complemented with the more current Value-Network model of Stabell and Fjeldstad (Stabell and Fjeldstad, 1998). Value-chain theory and the value network model are presenting the different activities of a company where value can be configured and added through SSC systems. This model allows the researchers to investigate the different activities of companies on which the implementation of technology-based self-service as an innovation can have an effect. Theoretical Framework Implication In order to fully understand the impact of introducing SSC in ASDA supermarkets it is necessary to look into: role and importance of innovation in a business context, product life cycle connected to SSC; competitive advantage theory and complementary concepts, value chain theory, and finally the importance of customer relationship management in the new self-service economy. Innovation Before we are going to analyze stage it is important to understand what innovation in business context is. The full understanding can be obtained through definition of the term. According to Merriam-Websters Dictionary (2008), Innovation is a new idea, method or device, or the introduction of something new. Drejer (2002) argues that innovation is more than just invention, that idea cannot be innovative as a pure, it must be put in practice and be commercialized; otherwise it is too earlier to speak of innovation. Blackmon (1996) provide us with the best summary for a context of this research: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ technological change is used to describe changes in knowledge that increase the volume of output or allow a qualitatively superior output from a given amount of resources à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and thus in driving organizational evolution à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ In the following relation, the innovation in a business context is a product, device, service, programme, service provider, or methods of services delivery that are new, unusual, or in other ways different from those previously used and positively reflects in overall output of the organization in form of added value directly to the organization or its customers. In the case of this research, innovation in form of SSC brings changes into service delivery. In order to understand the impact of the innovation it is necessary to understand to which area of service delivery it related. Dabholkar (2003) made a classification of technology in service delivery with three dimensions. By whom the service is delivered and who operates the technology. Where the service is delivered (at the shop or in customers home); and how the service is delivered. Depending on which category the service belongs to different factors will affect the customers evaluation of the service quality. This classification can be useful in guiding companies in the development of their marketing strategies when implementing SSC systems. Table At service site At customers place Direct contact Customer goes to service site and performs service using technology at service site. E.g. ATM, self-service at retail checkouts. Customer uses technology from home/office to perform service. E.g. internet shopping. Indirect contact Customer goes to service site and uses automated telephone system to perform service. E.g. automated wake-up calls at Hotels. Customer calls automated telephone service from home/office to perform service. E.g. automated ticket-ordering over telephone. Source: Dabholkar, 1994 in Anselmsson, 2001, page 13. Shadowed cell is the relevant technology for this research. Using this type of SSC, the customer goes to the service site and performs the service by using the technology provided at the service site. This implies a greater importance and wider range of quality issues in the interactive marketing function of the organisation. Product/service life Cycle In a business context everything is going through different level, stages of performance. It is similar to the any life development. From the cell of life to the maturity and death, the products are repeating same way from idea to implementation and ultimately death. Particularly in our case the service as well as product must be planned and introduce to employees, customers and eventually be accepted by them. It is crucial for the managers to adjust and control its performance while it goes through different stages. The effect respectively will be also different on different stages. Therefore, considering the life cycle of SSC systems is important when investigating the effects on company competitiveness. Figure: Source Cordiant Technologies Limited The product life cycle tend to go through the five stages of products: Service/product development; Market introduction; Growth stage; Mature stage; Stage of decline. Each stage is different in effectiveness of the product, expenses, revenue, etc. The first stage usually money intensive as there is no sales revenue and all expenses are covered by different organizations activities, in our case no effectiveness gain from reducing cost of operation. Stage two is quite expensive in our case as technological cost is very high. The purchase of the machineries and shops infrastructure adjustments to accommodate it are required. Moreover the staff and customers trainings and special promotions materials must be prepared. The third stage is continuous use of SSC by customers and therefore operational cost reduction becomes positive revenue, which might cover the marketing expenses. The fourth stage is characterised by very low costs of operation as number of customers who is using it increased. The final stage might come as soon as more efficient and productive technology will arrive and current become outdated. (Day, 1981) The progression of a product through these stages is not certain however. Some products may stay in the mature stage forever, for example commodities such as milk, others might not even rich stage of maturity. These products go through their life cycle as marketers marketing mix strategies change. For example, advertising is informative stage of the introduction, maturity stages, winning in the growth and in the decline stage reminder-oriented. In the early stages the promotional budget tends to be highest, and as the product gradually taper off matures and decline. Product characteristics, pricing, distribution also tend to change. (Day, 1981) The concept of product life cycle, applied to Self Service Checkout System (SSC) innovations, has also been introduced as an important concept that also contributes to affecting competitiveness. The Value-Chain Porters value chain framework today still is the accepted language for representing and analyzing the logic of firm-level value creation, and is also a framework for analyzing firm-level competitive strengths and weaknesses. In value chain analysis competitive advantage is understood by these discrete activities of the value creation process that contribute to the firms relation cost place and produce a basis for segregation. These activities are the building blocks from which a product or process is created that is valuable to the firms customers. The different activities have different economics and thus contribute differently to the valuable characteristics of the product or process. The value creating activities in Porters model are divided in two levels. Primary activities consist of directly interact to create and bring value to the customer, while support activities facilitate and develop the performance of the primary activities. Figure: Source: (Porter, 1985, 1990) The primary activity level consists of five actions: inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, promotion and sales and service. The maintain actions are procurement, technology growth, human supply management, and firm infrastructure. It is important to note that the different activity categories are not the same as organizational functions. Using the value chain for analysis, costs and assets are assigned to the value activities as a first step, and are further analyzed as structural drivers related to the scale and scope of the firm, linkages across activities, and environmental factors. Cost and value drivers are usually analyzed separately. Moreover, drivers are partly related to internal relationships, partly to external factors, and partly to relationships between internal and external factors as well. The main drivers of value are policy decisions made by product and segment choices when the firm is established or repositioned. (Stabell and Fjeldstad, 1998) According to Porter, the value-creating logic of his value chain with its generic activity categories is valid for firms in all industries. However, he further states that the specific activities that are vital to a firms competitive advantage depend on which industry the firm operates. (Porter, 1985, 1990) Stabell and Fjeldstad (1998) however have investigated the application of the value chain model to a variety of industries and have experienced problems in applying the value chain frame work to more than two-dozen firms. They have found that the value chain is suitable for describing and understanding the value creation logic of manufacturing firms, but that it proves problematic when analyzing activities in service industry firms. They argue that problems arise from difficulty to assign and analyze activities in terms of the five generic primary value chain categories proposed by Porter, leading to unclear explanations of value creation. Therefore, Stabell and Fjeldstad (1998) suggest that the value chain can be considered as one of three generic value configurations to facilitate the understanding and analysis of firm-level value-creation logic for a broad range of industries and firms. The additional two value models besides the value-chain are the value network and the value shop. The importance shop model applies to firms where price is created by mobilizing income and performance to resolve an exacting customer difficulty, for example professional service firms dealing with medicine, law, architecture and engineering. The value network model refers to firms that generate cost by facilitating an organization relationship among their customers using a mediator technology. Stabell and Fjeldstad (1998) also propose alternative presentation formats for both models that represent their unique value creation logic. For the purpose of this research both Porters value chain and Stabell and Fjeldstads value network is of importance. Although Stabell and Fjeldstad state that according to their findings the value chain is mostly useful for manufacturing firms, for our investigation of supermarkets traditional operations, the value chain is most fitting, with one small alteration. However, in also considering the introduction of a new type of service offering through technology-based self-service checkouts, it is found necessary to complement the value chain model with the value network model in order to be able to capture the value adding activities of SSC. The combination of the different value-creating logics, as suggested for this research, has also been proposed by Norman and Ramirez (1993). Since the main purpose of the research is to investigate the effects of SSC in supermarkets, the value network is of central importance, which is discussed in further detail below. The Value Network Value networks use a mediating technology to link clients and customers who wish to be interdependent. According to Stabell and Fjeldstad (1998), the firm provides a networking service through the mediating technology and thus facilitates exchange relationships among customers distributed in space and time. For the consideration of SSC, the value network idea is modified to mean that the firm is the network itself, linking its customers not to each other but to the firm itself, facilitating a more interdependent exchange relationship between the firm and its customers. Customer Satisfaction To measure the customer satisfaction of how your organisation`s `total product` performs in relation to a set of customer requirements. (Gower, 1999) If you like to measure the customer satisfaction of the customers and you need direction exactly what you are measuring. Understanding the concept of customer satisfaction is very easy and can be done by assuming yourself as a customer in a supermarket. Satisfaction is simple. If you get what you wanted and your requirements are met, you are satisfied. The starting point of a customer satisfaction management is to set the objectives. There are different customer satisfaction objectives that can be set. Customers` requirements (important ratings) Customer satisfaction (Satisfaction ratings) Comparison with other organizations PFIs (priorities for improvement) Customer satisfaction index A track able measure of satisfaction The internal perspective Firstly, you should identify customers` requirements and there are many things customers want and need but we need to identify most relative of customer requirements. Secondly, you must measure customer satisfaction. Organisational performance is directly related to customer satisfaction and list of customers` requirements. Thirdly, if you could go a bit further to analyse the customers` requirements as compared to other same organisations. (In our example `supermarket`) This will give you the opportunity to get the benchmarking. By using benchmarking, you could analyse the requirements of your supermarket customers` as satisfied or not satisfied. Fourthly, after getting the customers` satisfaction measures, you can use these measures to produce some survey outcomes and the first of that step is to identify the PFIs (Priorities for improvement) Fifth, you will need to measure the overall customers` satisfaction. We call it a satisfaction index and it will indicate us to monitor progress from the one year to the next for the overall customers` satisfaction. Finally, customers` satisfaction survey has to be done inside the supermarket to know about the understanding of employees about their customers` requirements. It will help any supermarket to indentify that if their employees know about their customers` requirements and can indentify gaps. An internal survey can also be used to help the management to make the decision making process and strategic management. (Gower, 1999) Achieving Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is measured frequently. Sampling is extensive. Surveys are quantitative as well as qualitative. The measures are taken very seriously. They are reviewed unfailingly by Top management: the development of such measures is taken very seriously as the development of budgetary measures or product reliability measures. Evaluation of people in all functions at all levels is significantly affected by the satisfaction measures. (Tom Peter, a Passion for Excellence) Customer delight seems very credible people say things like: In today`s competitive markets customer satisfaction is no longer enough; you have to delight the customers, give them something they did not expect to keep their business. In customer satisfaction, the link between customer loyalty, customer retention and profitability can make get better customer satisfaction. It has been shown that customer retention can boost profit of the supermarket as it is very easy to keep the existing customers than getting new customers. After getting the trend data and established the satisfaction- loyalty ratio in your market for your organisation, you make some models. Some companies now have `business performance models` based on their customer satisfaction management survey results that have quantified the exact links between customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, sales and profit. They know that how much one percent improvement in customer satisfaction will improve loyalty how much that contributes to profits. Precisely, this is a very powerful forecasting tool. Customer satisfaction Business success Employee satisfaction Customer Retention Figure: (Ch. BABAR 2010) Customer Satisfaction and the Performance: Customer satisfaction can be defined as more loyal customer and it involves emotional and complicated process. Every customer has certain level of product or service expectation and desire. If customer expectation level increased as a result of using that product or service, then, customer experiences satisfaction. (Simon Homburg 1998, Page 44) However, Satisfaction has also recently been described as the emotional reaction to this cognitively defined process of comparison. (Homburg and Rudolph 1995, page 31) In this context, customer experiences that the outcome of the process of comparison will not always give the correct result about the expected satisfaction outcome and actual level of satisfaction outcome. Instead, direct effect of these outcomes or satisfaction levels also interacts with satisfaction. (Bolton et al. 1991 page 376) The customer satisfaction has been in research for long time, mostly research and investigation has been done on the customer satisfaction, but, not on the customer retention. It is the experience and attitude of the employee in closest contact with customers that customers are satisfied, loyal and customer retention has been achieved. The Satisfaction is an a overall attitude of customer towards the service provider (Levesque and McDougall, 1996) The companies are more successful, later research has showed if they adopt customer retention rather than customer satisfaction. (Knox, 1998) Customer satisfaction brings many benefits. Satisfied customers are fewer prices sensitive; they purchase more items, not go to competitors and stay longer. (Zineldin, 2000) Customer satisfaction is directly related with the customer complaint process management. If customer complains more, then, it increases more customer satisfaction. Customer complains about the product or service he/she receives, then, supermarket can achieve more customer satisfaction (Johnston, 2001) The product innovations, staff service, price, convenience and business profile are all determinants of customer satisfaction. (Athanassopoulos, 2000) Later, Bejou et al. (1998) propose that customer satisfaction can be enhanced through relationships, provided they are developed and managed to the customer`s satisfaction Customer retention is not directly related with the customer satisfaction. Sometime customer do not change service provider because of the alternative circumstances, but, customer satisfaction level remain the same. Sometime customers do not have any choice to change their service provider, so, they stick with their existing provider. Hallowell (1996) argues that customer satisfaction cannot produce life time customer loyalty even though customer satisfaction has been increased, but, retention can be related with customer satisfaction. Retention can be understandable as to do business or exchange a commitment to continue with a particular company on an ongoing basis. (Zineldin, 2000) Retaining old customers are easy and cheap to keep as compared to the new customers because they are more loyal and less price sensitive. They keep their loyalty to their existing service provider and do not change their loyalty to the new service provider. It increases customer retention, satisfaction, lower price sensitivity, higher market share, higher productivity and higher efficiencies. (Reichheld, 1995) The authors suggest that in order to retain customers, companies should always change and developing their product and services to meet the ever changing needs of customers. The concept of acquiring, developing and retaining customers from a cognitive and affective perspective, they provide examples of how cognitive and affects are used to increase retention. (Desai and Mahajan, 1998) Customer satisfaction is a direct determining factor in customer loyalty, which, in turn, is a main presentation of customer retention. (Gerpott et al., 2001) Customer satisfaction can be achieved by customer retention. Customer complaint process can increase the level of customer satisfaction that result in customer retention. Employee perspective is also very important with relation of the customers. Individual relationship with the customer can boost the level of customer satisfaction. It is direct related with the mental theories of customer and employee perspectives. Managers should be aware of customer wants and needs as well as employee mental perspective. Different employees keep different level of relationship with the customers that could affect the customer satisfaction and retention level. Therefore, Managers must keep eye into employee/customer relationship and set realistic goals to achieve. (Spreng et al, 1995) Good section Customer Retention Customer retention is directly linked with the customer satisfaction. The framework guide managers to decide which part of customer satisfaction has more collision, which part of customer satisfaction needs to be improve and make strategies to retain existing customers. An individual level model of loyalty and customer retention has been developed, that can be used to predict effects of service level improvement at supermarket. Customer satisfaction has been changed recently from transactional marketing to relationship marketing. (Grà ¶nroos, Sheth and Parvatiyar, 1994) To all marketing activities directed toward establishing, developing, and maintaining successful relational exchanges (Morgan and Hunt, 1994) Customer satisfaction has been treated as essential instrument for the customer retention, has gained significant importance in relational marketing approaches. (Rust and Zahorik, 1993) Kotler sums this up when he states: The key to customer retention is customer satisfaction (Ko

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Open Theism vs. Closed Theism :: Essays Papers

Open Theism vs. Closed Theism This topic is one that has had my curiosity piqued for the last few years and is one I have made a point of discussing with many people over the course of that time. I have heard many different viewpoints, some who have been adamant for God's omniscience and knowledge of the future and others who have presented compelling arguments for free will. Most, however are of a third category who have come to grips with the fact that our mere brains cannot understand the workings of God and are content to wait for an answer until they are able to ask them themselves if/when they get to Heaven. I myself hold this latter idea to be a good fallback, but am restless in my pursuit for an answer. For neither the deterministic nor the liberalist perspective seem to have me convinced for it seems to me like both of these beliefs leave you in a dire catch-22: if you insist on complete freedom, you limit God's knowledge; but if you insist on God's knowledge, then you limit humanity's freedom; neither o f which leave my mind at rest in who I know God to be and what His scripture has revealed to us in His creation of humanity. So I am left with an unsettled feeling that there must exist a third alternative--one that encompasses both God's complete omniscience and humanity's unleashed freedom. The closest established belief I would at this point categorize myself with believing would be that of St. Thomas Aquinas and Anselm, which you site on pg. 119 of your text. The pitfall I see in the libertarians' viewpoint is their assumption that foreknowledge implies cause. For instance, by their understanding of foreknowledge, if Chris were to somehow know beforehand what the outcome of a football game would be, but were nothing more than a spectator in the stands, Chris, by this knowledge, somehow CAUSED the outcome of the game to end the way it did. This does not hold up in common sense. Just because Chris somehow were able to KNOW what would happen does not mean that he, by the same token, CAUSED it to happen. And such is the case with God. Just because God KNOWS what will happen in the future of the world does not mean that he literally entered the 'game' and caused it to happen.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Seperate Peace :: essays research papers

The book, A Separate Peace, written by John Knowles, can be related to adolescence in several ways. The attendants of this school face many new experiences during the course of their stay, many of which occur in their last year. This is where the book picks up. The book takes place at the Devon School, in the summer session of 1942. Throughout this book, the children are constantly fighting and fearing adulthood and their future. The pressure to be successful and layout a plan for the future is always upon students in school. Also, the constant reminder of World War || lays like heavy blankets over them, smothering at all times. Many of the students at the Devon School accept this pressure and continue to press on, while others may crack. Adolescence is conveyed throughout this book through many points. One of which is the society established by both Gene and Finny, known as the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session was the main activity that kept the student's minds off the war. Their society was established on the banks of the Devon River, a river that passed through school grounds. This river was quite the opposite of the Naguamsett River. The Naguamsett was rough, cloudy, and unpredictable, much like the students' futures. The Devon River was smooth and fresh, with clear waters, and was pure like their childhood. To join the society, you would have to jump from the tree into the river, testing your courage. Once it had been done, everyone else wanted to try and out-jump the prior jumper. This changed the student's perception of the tree from soldier training to fun and games. Finny established this game because he was not one to let the depression of the war overcome him. He always tried to make others happy, going to any extreme to get a laugh. He was the sign of peace, childhood and fun at Devon. Without Finny, the students would soon lose to uch with their childhood, turning all their attention onto the war. Adolescence was also shown through Finny's clothing. Finny had no inhibitions, which was conveyed very well through his pink shirt and tie-belt. The pink shirt and tie-belt served as an emblem, because news had just arrived of the bombing overseas. Finny wore this to tea, something no one else would dare ever do.